lørdag 3. mai 2008


Siden mandag har jeg merket meg VG`s Elisabeth Skarsbo Moens(i "Akkurat Nå") snøskredliknende angrep på østerrikerne og dets normer og regler - holde de ansvarlige for tragedien i Amstetten. Hun argumenterer med historikk og den kjedsomhet som hun tydeligivis erfarer der nede. Hun er farlig. Hennes ord er propaganda. Ethvert land kan vise til umennskelige tragedier uten at vi skal angripe hele dets sjel og folk av den grunn. Hun har rett i at vi som mennesker har plikt til å bry oss med hverandre, men kom ikke å si at selvbedrag og utsagn som "heldigvis er snart alt glemt" er typisk kun for østerrikerne.Landet trenger støtte og brannslukking!For hele menneskeheten er dette en tragedie og viser at "vi har ikke lært mye av historien". Om detsamme, liknende eller andre tragedier avdekkes i Norge....Er da hennes spørsmålsstilling:
"HVA ER GALT MED NORGE"?????????????
Jeg tror neppe det....

In English:
Ever since last Monday I`ve noticed the reporter Elisabeth Skarbo Moen(of the Norwegian newspaper VG)`s avalanche attacks on Austria; their ethics, way of living, their very being - and hold them responsible for the tragedy in the village of Amstetten.
Her arguments are based on history and the cheer boredom she must experience down there...
She is dangerous. Her words are pure propaganda.
Any country has tragedies to show for. But do we have to attack a country`s soul and its people on account of that?
She is right when she states that as human beings we have an obligation to take care of each other, but don`t tell me that selfdellusion and statements like "I hope this soon will be forgotten" is purely austrian.
The country needs our support. This incident is a tragedy for all humanity and shows us that "history hasn`t taught us much to much".
When tragedy (and with similar themes and so forth) will struck us here in Norway(and they will)... what is her question then....


I don`t think so...

Mind you.... The newspaper VG welcomes its reader to comment any subject on a daily basis by the mobile. They - not surprisingly - failed to publish this when I sent them this item - and that`s why I think this blog is an excellent way of expressing and that you can`t shut down the voice of democracy and civil rights....

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