søndag 20. desember 2009

Bingo med Marry på London pub 10. desember 2009

Med Thomas og Niklas

Niklas til venstre her

Med Martin

fredag 11. desember 2009

Barack Obamba In Oslo; "But He Hasn`t Done Anything"

"But he hasn`t done anything!"

When he speaks - I listen...

The world listens...

He is that very special flower in the garden that just stands out...

Many has been before him...

Many will follow him...

But only a few will listen before and after....

We DID listen to you...

You made us stretch to be something better...

as a matter of fact.... WE DO!!!!!


a humanist.....

a rolemodel...

Why DID we stop and look up?

Why - how - when - if - ....... did you emerge as you did???

You are a result and a package of your grandmother and mother... as you yourself have stated....

But this "poem"has gone far enough...

I should have shut up....


tears are streaming down when I listen to and watch you...

.....When he speaks I listen...

We listen....

He has that very special extra that Ellen Terry(an actress of a bygone era)use to say....

that you can`t explain; "Star Quality..."

He is like the first mesmerizing teacher we had as a youngster and who spellbound us with magical words...

You make us like disciples and children.....

He speaks .... I listen,,,,,

C)(P)December 11, 2009 Henning Sebastian Jahre. All Rights Reserved

lørdag 24. oktober 2009


Judy Garland and Marilyn Monroe - America`s Greatest Female Legends - shares a moment after one of Judy`s 1962 concerts

onsdag 2. september 2009

Summer of 2009

With Thomas Anholt and Mikke The Swede

With Martine Muffen hehe

With Lars Fuglevik

Hos Jan

mandag 31. august 2009

KIKI SØRUM død 70 år gammel

Jeg synes det var leit å lese at hun var gått bort.------ husker så godt hvor mye hennes bok "Hollywood i moten" fra 1986 betydde for meg----- At andre enn MEG og som var NORSK og likte Old Hollywood:-))
I 2007 møtte vi hverandre på premieren på Tonje Kristiansens debutfilm og vi snakket om film og Sharon Tate... hun ba meg ta kontakt på nettet.... gjorde aldri det da.... men du var et utrolig søtt menneske... ja "SØT" er ordet jeg bruker på henne...... hvil i fred lille søte fargeklatt, du virket veldig god:-)

torsdag 20. august 2009

"RIVER OF NO RETURN" River Phoenix would have turned 39 on August 23, 2009....

Henning Sebastian Jahre "and" River Phoenix 2003 hehe

The leaf really fell from the tree when I learned of his passing in 1993....

A friend stopped by while I was working just to check out how I was.... I read all the US papers that week..... it didn`t leave me.... For many years I lit candles for him... remembered his date of death....Why did I behave like that over the passing of a total stranger???
RIVER PHOENIX(1970-1993)(River Jude Bottom - from late70s Phoenix). He personafied M Y generation. He was the ONLY actor I identified myself with. It seemed that if River could do it, so could we. He played roles that as a youngster I could identify myself with. And because of that, fans grew close 2 him. When he died outside the Viper Room on Halloween after snorting cocaine(with heroine and marihuana) I was shocked. And it didn`t leave me for almost six months. Even 2day it is hard 2 see his films. My idol. The 1 with the ideals; Gone. It turned out that be HE who was the one who didn`t make it. It is sad really. Real sad.No... correction.... I don`t see his films anymore...

But I would like to share with you a meeting that took place in December 2001: I was approached on the net (Radiator---- long gone to the oblivion) by journalist called Christian - under the nickname Spunkie - and he told me how he met River and his band ca 1990.... I have printed some of his mails and here`s the translation:

"It was a little club in Washington DC called The Bayou, don`t know if it still exists, but it is located in Georgetown if you know DC... This was the days when I was still pretty occupied with saving the environment and so forth... We were headed for a save the earth concert with some guys from Australia and in the end Aleca`s Attic took the stand. I didn`t know that Aleca`s Attic was a band with among others River and Rain(River`s sister) before I came(to the concert)....The concert was good and they played HARD!!!

We stayed on, hanging out after the concert. Then, all of a sudden, River suddenly arrives out from backstage, comes up yo me and asks "DID YOU GET THE BLAST?"I almost faint ... We talk about music and he gets my address so he can send me a demo while I get a list of the songs he had written on a A4 paper.... Then we talk about that they are on tour and that they live in a tent in the forest just outside town....I did know a lot about him before the concert because I belonged to a hippie group in high school and he was the the most political correct of the moviestars.... He wasn`t on drugs, he had clipped his hair quite short and was fresh-looking...

"Wooow.... it`s nice to read this again... I DID meet Christian after these mails, but even though we live in the same town of Oslo, we have lost touch......

onsdag 29. juli 2009


I`ll translate this later.... promise.,,

sendte denne smsèn 23:48 igår:
"begynte kl 9 og vi hadde ventet siden 5. Altfor mye staffasje og videoklipp, men når hun stod 20 meter fra oss: så vakker, gnistrende øyne, nydelig hud, vakre ben(tynn) og sprettrumpe. Men hun var for ofte i bakgrunnen på scenen. Men når hun rocka foran oss: helt nydelig. Men hun klarer seg ikke uten mange dansere og uten blir hun nøytral, lite interessant, Klarte i liten grad å holde interessen i oss...."
Dette var min første POPkonsert, utendørskonsert(OK så a-ha på Kalvøya 1988 - ikke helt detsamme)og vi stod i Golden Circle..... Det tok ikke av.... kun få klappet og hoppet og mot slutten måtte DRONNINGEN av pop appellere nettopp til det faktum..... Da hun ropte "are you having a good time Oslo" responerte mange av oss med et halvt gjennomført "jaaaaaaa....".....
Da hun hoppet hoppetau i begynnelsen begynte jeg å lure.... det virket så tamt..... av alt jeg har sett på video og dvd..... var dronningen et produkt av genial klipping og montasje??? Live var hun SØT..... SØT SØT SØT----- men dette var plankekjøring----- og kjedet hun seg til tider????
Ja hun er mor nå og stilen er blitt en annen.... Boka SEX(fra 1992 tror jeg) og slike ting is a thing of the past.....
*Men hun skulle fått oss i saggerus i 2 hele timer! DET klarte hun ikke!!!!

søndag 21. juni 2009

As a child

With Kenneth and Lars at my 10th Birthday celebration 1977

Summer of 1973

Hardangervidda 1973

May 17 1971

Christmas 1971


Brushing my teeth at my 10th Birthday Anniversary 1977